Better business: made possible by digital ID technologies

RFID will be a defining technology for businesses in multiple segments over the next 10 years. It is the basis for our suite of digital ID technologies that authenticate product history, provide tracking and inventory solutions, and conjure up richer consumer encounters.
Digital ID technologies don’t only solve “problems,” they also enable a better business for a multitude of industries – in a world that can be more connected, harmonized and in-sync.

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Komax always accompanies your development.

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Apparel and Fashion

Beauty and Personal Care

Food and Beverages






Animal Identification

Media and Document Management

Other Industries

The starting point for everything: a unique digital identity

Infusing non-digital objects with a unique digital identity puts the product at the digital edge and is the starting point to unlock vast possibilities for digitally empowered manufacturing, supply-chain management, commerce and communication.

No matter what industry you are part of, Komax is the perfect partner to unleash the power of digital transformation for your business.

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